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HeartPath Meditation

Center yourself; chart your path forward, intuitively with meditation coaching.

HeartPath Meditation is a meditation coaching service offered to individuals in search of life clarity and direction. Meditation in this case allows an individual to clearly hone in on their goals and heart-centered direction in an authentic and focused manner with results to follow.


What is Meditation Coaching?

  • Meditation coaching combines the practices of meditation, healing, and coaching. A meditation coaching session might use any combination of these modalities to arrive at solutions.


Notice: The information contained on these pages is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. No guarantees expressed or implied are made about the use of the information contained herein. Information and statements made are for educational purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your doctor. Medical advice must be obtained from a qualified health care practitioner. The  content of these pages do not intend to dispense medical advice, prescribe, or diagnose illness. The views and advice expressed herein is not intended to be a substitute for conventional medical service.




What We Offer:

  • Meditation guidance

  • Leadership coaching and Energy healing

  • WE work with individuals and groups.


What You’ll Get:

  • Introduction to calming practices that bring health wholeness and balance


What you Can Expect:

  • Incorporating meditation as a part of the coaching process allows you to more easily access your own intuition and inner-knowing.

 As a result:

  • Answers to questions and next steps may arise easily.

  • Meditation also creates a natural space for healing to occur where feelings or memories may resurface and be released so new energy and experiences can arise.

Eyes Closed

HeartPath Meditation Testimonial

Recently I received a rare opportunity to have a life changing experience. I took the eight-week meditation course with Dr. Ahmad. At the beginning I just hoped I would be able to concentrate enough to meditate. I had attempted to learn how to meditate many times. I thought maybe some soft music and trying to clear my busy mind would be the focus. It was so much more! I would learn the importance of intention and affirmations. I would learn to explore myself and listen to my soul. I would learn the power of healing from the inside out. It took thinking, searching, feeling, and knowing that I had a safe non judgemental space available to me. Dr. Ahmad has the compassion and skills, to help develop growth and vision, to anyone seeking a fuller, more insightful life. It is hard work. Worthy work. The reward is the chance to live a more mindful, purposeful life. To know oneself. To honor their own being.


She will teach you how to meditate and you will learn to practice daily. You will understand how to be open to that greater space available to all of us. You will learn to connect to the energy in the core of the earth, the sky, the sun and other living beings in an effort to grow from that connected space that we all need to be human. I HIGHLY suggest this course for everyone. What a wonderful world it would be if everyone did.



Upcoming Virtual Developmental Workshops 2024

Following the Celestial Calendar based on the change of seasons, join us for three workshops that will keep you on track throughout 2024. As we know, seasonal shifts bring forth change. Let the natural cycles of change fill your sails as you move forward with your life plans.

Building on the "Rewriting, Reframing..."

Workshop on Jan.1, 2024


Each 90-mins. workshop is designed to meet you where you are while equipping you with skills to reach your goals at your own pace. 


The workshops will be priced at $45 each, 10 persons per workshop.

Yoga Session
Om Pose


1. Manifesting Through Balanced Polarities, Spring Equinox

(Date: March 19-) Workshop: Saturday, March 16th, 1 pm.

Eat, Pray, Live!


Learn to:

- Utilize prayer and meditation as your compass; Move from Happenstance to Goals to Intentions;

- Align with the cosmic energies.

-Each person will get a 30-MINS. astrological overview focused on their year ahead




2. Align with the New Aquarian Age, Summer Solstice

(Solstice Date: June 20th) (Workshop Date: Saturday, June 22)

- Facing our fears through realignment

 - Working with our soul’s intentions for our growth

- Working with our oracle to perfect our path.




3. Transition and /Transformation Toward 2025

Autumnal Equinox (Sept 22) (Workshop date: Sept.24, 1 pm)

- Letting Go of the past

- Clearing the Chakras

- Preparing for new paradigms



For Inquiries, please e-mail:
Payment Can Also Be Accepted Via CashApp: $ncheartpath

In Love

HeartPath Meditation Presents:


Dates: New Moon, Friday: April 12, Workshop date, Saturday: April 13 at 1 pm, EST.


Are you looking for your mate?

What makes you think your mate is lost?

Who are you and what do you have to offer a mate?


Join us in April (the very heart of spring) for our virtual workshop “Receiving Your Mate, The Workshop.

Using very specific tried and true methods, we will do the work of becoming clear about you and who you think you are and who you think you are looking for.


(This is a virtual workshop offered on Zoom and with limited seating, only 10 participants will be seated.

The workshop will last for 90-mins. Cost: $75.)


Register by April 1, at

with "questions" or "register" in the subject line.



For Inquiries, please e-mail:
Payment Can Also Be Accepted Via CashApp: $ncheartpath

Couple Meditating

Plans & Pricing

21-Day Transformation:

Map a new way to do your life; In 21-days, you can be on your way to a new version of yourself.




8-Week Makeover:

Make it new, Make it over! In 8-weeks, Revamp your life. Using meditation coaching

Select a new course of action and Actualize your goals.



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